The Kepler dashboard

ab testing

The Kepler dashboard provides the retailer with the ability to analyze the effects of changes in the stores on customer behavior, store staff effectiveness, and ultimately sales and the associated KPIs of ATV, UPT, and basket composition. The Kepler AB Testing dashboard is specifically designed to be used by both specialty retail stores, large standalone destination stores, single stores, or multiple store changes.

The functionality is simple but comprehensive:

  • Choose comparable stores and/or  time periods
  • Select the key metrics or sales drivers expected to be influenced by changes
  • Compare changes in store layout, pricing and promotions, staff scheduling and product range
  • Compares different seasonal ranges and their impact on customer behavior and sales




We will provide you with a custom assessment:

  • Custom Assessment for six stores in your store network
  • Comprehensive conversion benchmarking
  • Customer-to-staff ratios

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    Simply fill in your details below and we will be in touch to arrange your free custom assessment and comprehensive demo…

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    Simply fill in your details below and we will be in touch to arrange your free custom assessment and comprehensive demo.