November 25, 2021

Black Friday Midweek update

Retail Radar


vs 2020

  • Sales were strong, with Tuesday 23rd being the exception.

vs 2019

  • In the last 10 days, six days were up vs same day and four days were weaker.
  • The result is that Sales are comparable or slightly ahead of 2019 for the 10 day period.

Sales Drivers

Inside Traffic

  • Inside Traffic vs both prior years is visibly down and has not yet recovered.


  • The number of sales in 2021 has still not met the level of 2019.
  • The number of sales in 2021 compares very well to 2020 which was affected by Covid-19.
  • Sales conversion remains very strong in 2021 as traffic that enters is now generally more likely to purchase.


  • The build up to Black Friday weekend has not met the sales levels of 2019.
  • 2019 was the year that Black Friday became a key event in Australia.
  • Kepler expects there to be a strong Black Friday weekend as shoppers revert to browsing behaviour.
  • The stronger Outside Traffic (Passerby) validates the above point.

Click on the image to enlarge

% Change vs 2020

% Change vs 2019

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