April 5, 2023

Kepler Retail Traffic and Public Transport Usage – Melbourne and Sydney Pre & Post Covid

Retail Radar

Data below is representative of Australia only. If you would like retail insights on other regions please get in touch with us at info@kepleranalytics.com

In this Retail Radar we will be taking a look at how public transport traffic patterns have impacted retailers Outside Foot traffic within NSW. The when and where of traffic in shopping precincts and into stores has changed dramatically. 

Using the Kepler Retail Index of over 1800 stores across Australia, changes in days of week and times of day for the period of January 2017 to January 2023 are compared to the same period with NSW Opal traffic showing the percentage changes with the effect it has to weekday traffic. 

Download: Mini Radar – Kepler Retail Traffic and Public Transport Usage – Melbourne and Sydney Pre & Post Covid

The data for the analysis above was sourced from the Kepler Retail Index (KRI), If you would like to see its full capability, register below for a FREE Demo.

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