August 1, 2022

Timing and behaviours of traffic and purchasing has altered from pre-COVID-19 patterns


Kepler has reviewed the first five months of retail traffic data from 2022 (1st Jan to 31st May) and compared it to the same dates from 2019. The like-for-like data has been aggregated by day of week and hour of day to see if the wider patterns of behaviour had shifted, and by how much.


Outside Traffic declines are not uniform. Wednesday to Saturday Outside Traffic has declined with significantly more share of traffic moving to Monday and Tuesday.

Monday and Tuesday now account for a significantly higher share of weekly Inside Traffic, largely at the expense of Wednesday and Friday.

The declining traffic has changed the profile of Sales Conversion, where Saturday and Sunday have had the steepest rises in Sales Conversion. Please contact Kepler for details.

Watch an in-depth review of FY22 in our latest webinar

Saturday, Monday and Tuesday have shown the greatest increase in Sales $. However the increase in sales on Monday and Tuesday is well below the Inside Traffic increase.

Transactions are now much more likely to occur before midday, much less likely after 5pm. They are also 11% more likely to occur on a Monday and Tuesday.  – See Table 2

Average  Transaction Value (ATV) has risen strongly across all days of week, with Thursday and Fridays increases strongest.

The various types of shopping precinct have performed differently. Please contact Kepler for more details.

Table 1 – Share of metrics by day of week 2022 v 2019

Table 2 – Transaction % Change 2022 v 2019

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